Life Coaching

I offer confidential one-to-one coaching from my home in Horsham either face-to-face, or via Zoom or Skype.

As a Self-Discovery and Empowerment Coach, I can help you to rediscover who you really are. You can then go out into the world as your authentic self, feeling empowered to live your life in your unique way.

We are living in rapidly changing and challenging times and we need to let go of who we are not and embrace who we are. By focusing on our strengths and building on the inner resources we already have, we can move forward to successfully fulfil our individual purpose in life.

Maybe you are at a point of significant change in your life, such as having been made redundant, are now retired or have got divorced. Or perhaps your children have now all left home and you are feeling rather empty. This can be a wonderful opportunity to reassess what you want for the rest of your life. Maybe you’ve always had a secret dream of doing something, which hasn’t happened. Let’s revisit it together and see if we can make it a reality!

Life Coaching can be life-changing! With my help, you will set goals and work out strategies for achieving them, no matter what has occurred in your life up until now. This will put you in the driving seat of your life, focusing you on what is really important to you and being true to yourself.


Or we could work on a specific area of your life you may be finding challenging, such as relationships issues, health and fitness, parenting, confidence, work-life balance, time management, feeling stick in a rut, or seeking more meaning and achievement in life as a whole. Whatever it is, let me help you get to where you want to be.

Let’s create that life you dream of and deserve! Contact me on 07984 414 522 or

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